P.O. Box 125
Nottingham, PA 19362

IMG_2125History of Lewis Marshall

Lewis Marshall was the Secretary/Treasurer of West Goshen Township.  He was also the Secretary/Treasurer of the Chester County Association of Township Officials (originally the Chester County Association of Township Supervisors), and a member of the Executive Committee of the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors.

First Award Presentation

CCATO approved the Lewis H. Marshall Award in or around 1972.  Mr. Marshall was alive when the decision was made for the award, but not in good health.  He passed away before the first award was made; his son and daughter made the presentation when they were home for his memorial service.  The first award presentation was held at the library of what was then known as West Chester College.

Lewis H. Marshall Subcommittee

The CCATO board established a Lewis H. Marshall subcommittee, comprised of members of the Executive Board of CCATO, a former awardee of the award, and a faculty representative of West Chester University.  This award is presented annually to a student of West Chester University to honor the legacy of Mr. Marshall.

Past Award Honorees