P.O. Box 125
Nottingham, PA 19362

Resolution Proposals

The CCATO Resolutions Committee plays a crucial role in evaluating proposed resolutions from member municipalities, prioritizing issues based on relevance, feasibility, and potential impact. Their thorough review process ensures that only the most significant matters are brought forward for discussion and eventual presentation at the fall conference meeting. These resolutions will then undergo a membership vote before being submitted to the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS) for consideration at their conference the following year.

If your Township has a resolution it would like to submit to the resolutions committee please complete the form below.

Dear Municipal Members

Each year, we reach out to Chester County townships to obtain any suggested Resolutions you would like to submit to CCATO’s Resolutions Committee to review and be presented to the CCATO membership at the November 14 annual Association meeting. If voted favorably, they are further presented to the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS) for their consideration and vote at the PSATS annual conference.

Resolutions serve as the framework for PSATS positions and policies, if adopted and remain on the books for five years.
The CCATO Resolutions Committee must receive your Resolutions by September 6. Your resolution does not have to be formally approved by your municipality.
 If you have any questions, please email them to Resolutions@ccato.org.

View Current Standing PSATS Resolutions

For your convenience, we have provided a copy of the current standing PSATS resolutions for you to view in order to avoid submitting duplicate or repetive resolutions.

Resolution Submission Checklist

Resolutions Committee Checklist

Below are criteria for the Committee to take into consideration prior to addressing the choice of support or opposition to the proposed resolution:

  • Does to directly impact an essential function or authority of townships? (Does it directly impact a township’s responsibility under the Second-Class Township Code? If not related to the Township Code, does it directly relate to township authority, operations, or functions, such as land use, public safety, road safety and maintenance, etc.)
  • Does it amend or change a state or federal law, regulation, or court decision that directly impacts townships? (Would it amend the Second-Class Township Code, Sunshine Law, Municipalities Planning Code, or one of the many other state laws or implementing regulations that directly affect townships?)
  • Does it include clear language to communicate the desired objective? (Is it specific? Do you understand the goal of this resolution? Will PSATS staff be able to communicate this resolution to the legislature? Or is it vague enough that it could be interpreted to mean something that may not be the intent?)
  • Is it actionable and measurable? (Is the resolution requesting that PSATS do something specific or is the terminology vague? For example, more attention to an issue or enforcement of an issue – how would these action items be accomplished? How will we know that the goal is accomplished?)
  • Does it directly benefit townships? (Can we make a case that the resolution will benefit townships or help preserve local democracy?)

Resolution Submission Form

You may upload a PDF file below instead of answering question 1 and 2.

2025 CCATO Committees
Resolutions Committee

Resolutions Committee (7 members)

Charles Fleischmann
CCATO Vice Pres
Upper Oxford Twp, Board of Supervisors

John Hines
West Bradford Twp, Board of Supervisors

John Snook
East Bradford Twp, Board of Supervisors

Rick Hicks
East Bradford Twp, Fire Marshall, Stormwater Inspection
Audit Committee

Audit Committee (3 members)

Mark Wolfrey
South Coventry Township, Board of Supervisors


Nominating Committee

Nominating Committee (3 members)

Tony Scheivert
Upper Uwchlan Twp. Manager

Vincent M. Pompo
Lamb, McErlance PC
